Courses & Sessions

Swami Sadhananandaji Maharaj

Hon'ble Secretary, Pranabananda Vidyamandir, Lumding

Mr. Shekhar Chakraborty

Principal,Pranabananda Vidyamandir, Lumding

Mr. Asis Kumar Ghosh

Vice Principal,Pranabananda Vidyamandir, Lumding

The school is affiliated to C.B.S.E and so follows the curriculum of C.B.S.E with English as medium of instruction. It has classes from nursery to class 12.

The subjects as prescribed by the Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi for each class are taught. Bengali, Assamese and Hindi as MIL upto class X and Sanskrit upto class VIII are compulsory subjects. Special classes on Indian culture will be held, frequency of which will be determined by school authority.

Subjects For Senior Secondary Level Are Given Below. Class 11 & 12(Minimum Five Subjects)